Saturday, March 6, 2010

Getting Old

I had big plans for myself when I grew up.  I remember thinking that if I had to get old, I would at least go full out.  The interesting thing is, as I have gotten older, I have noticed that the things I was interested in, no longer interest me.  I think this is because, I don’t have time, energy or money to do the things I thought I would die if I couldn’t.  I thought I would love to travel the world, write books, plant huge gardens, maybe have a green house, have a perfect house, run marathons etc, etc.  Reality hits and I have found that life isn’t so bad without all of the big dreams.  I have found pleasure in much simpler things. 

Lets just say, it doesn’t take much to make me happy.  A clean dining room floor makes me smile.  A little girl with bobbed hair skipping off of the bus, a drive with the window down, a good song on the radio, a sunny day, a good book with time to read, a 30 min. ride on my elliptical, a phone call from a daughter or sister, a free class period at school.  I know this sounds boring.  It sounded boring to me when I was younger also.  I was determined to be different, special and bigger than life.

Life hasn’t turned out that way, life is just full of simple things, and great kids.  The horrible boring life I was anxious to avoid when I was younger, has been my bliss in middle age.  Thank goodness that the small decisions that I made growing up, lead to this simple, ordinary, wonderful life.DSCF0001