Thursday, May 14, 2009

Burned Out!

So when is enough, enough.  How much is good, well, I say school wise we hit that mark about eight days ago.  I remember when I was a kid the last few weeks of school were pretty much throw away's.  These days were packed with field trips, May Day activities and pretty much parties.  They probably had the highest attendance during the last few weeks of school than the rest of the year.  Who wants to miss the fun.  I think they knew we were wasted, the staff was wasted too, both literally and figuratively. 

My how times have changed.  Suddenly everyone is in crisis.  Our kids are failing and falling further and further behind.  According to whom, I don't know.  I do know that the math they are cramming down kids throats in sixth grade, I didn't hit until high school.  Come on! this is the information age!  Schools are no longer allowed to waste the last few weeks of school.  Every second is planned and significant.  No Second Left Behind.  Parties,  phew!  None of that.  No longer is it fun to be in school the last week of the year, it is not even fun to be in a school for any reason at this time of year.  I have spent the better part of the last six weeks testing junior high kids brains out.  If there is any information left in there, we will soon have it sucked out.  What a drag.  Thank goodness I was educated when the value of a completely useless, no point, wasted day was acceptable.  Not just acceptable,  Expected!  Hang in there kids,  eleven days to go.

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